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Alfalfa Cubes (for Horses)








Alfalfa Hay (Medicago Sativa or Lucerne Hay) is one of the most nutritious, versatile crops commonly used as animal feed for horses, dairy cows, beef cattle, camels, sheep, and goats. Alfalfa has high protein levels (generally between 15% and 19%) and ideal fiber levels allowing it to be easily palatable and digestible. Alfalfa cubes are primarily used for horses, although it is an excellent feed source for many animals.


Argentine Top Quality: It is important to recognize that this is a very high quality product from Argentina, where it is widely recognized that our grasses, crops and alfalfa are of the highest quality standards on a global basis. Today, it is estimated that Argentina has over 4 million hectares of Alfalfa, producing approximately 15 million tons per year, and our group’s locations and product are superior. Argentina also hosts some of the best horse specialists in the world, with its passion for polo and horse racing, so our nutritionists truly understand the dietary and health needs of horses, and we are certain you will appreciate this quality product for your horses. Our Alfalfa products fare exceed the competition’s protein levels, with our Alfalfa bales averaging 20% and our Alfalfa cube products ranging between 20% and 27%, averaging 22%. 


ALFALFA CUBES: Alfalfa Cubes are pre-bloom, dehydrated alfalfa cubed to 1 ¼ inches in diameter.

















Key attributes: Alfalfa Cubes offer the horse owner a way to supplement or replace hay and pasture supplies while eliminating the concerns for nutrition, availability and potential respiratory problems arising from bad forage supplies. Plus, forage cubes have proven to be about 15% to 20% more efficient to feed than long stem hay.


There are many important benefits:

  • Excellent palatability and high digestibility

  • 100% natural

  • Consistent quality and nutrient content

  • Ease of handling and easy to feed--reduces feed waste due to controlled feed intake

  • Mold and dust-free, and leads to a much better feeding environment

  • Reduced storage requirements

  • Easy to transport, reducing transportation time and costs


Product Specifications: The international product code is 1214.10.00:

Cubes: 1214.10.00.000F & Bales: 1214.90.00.900T


Our average alfalfa cube is 22%, which will depend slightly on its level of moisture and when it is harvested. Our cubes consistently are above 20% and very often exceed 25% protein levels. The below sample has 22% protein levels.


Presentation: 25-kilo bags. A 40-foot container will load 26 tons, which is approximately 1,040 bags.

One 40-foot container provides sufficient feed for 25 horses over the course of 1 year, assuming that one horse will eat between 3 and 4 kilos per day.


The cubes have a shelf life of 2 years, and possess 10% moisture (humidity) and average 20% protein levels.



South American Feed & Food is a division of SAF Global Group operating under SAF US LLC and SAF Hong Kong Limited.


We have partners in Buenos Aires, Miami, Austin, Tokyo, Shanghai and Hong Kong.


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